Recovering and Reducing H2 Database Size in Geoweaver

When working with Geoweaver, you might encounter a scenario where the H2 database grows significantly in size, potentially impacting system performance. This blog provides a step-by-step approach to recover and reduce the database size efficiently.

Steps to Recover and Reduce H2 Database Size

Step 1: Stop Geoweaver and Prepare a Temporary Folder

First, stop the Geoweaver service to ensure no operations are running on the database. Then, create a temporary folder on a drive with adequate space for the recovery process.

gw stop
mkdir /groups/ESS3/'USER_NAME'/geoweaver/h2/ -p

Step 2: Copy Database Files to the New Folder

Copy the existing database files to the newly created temporary folder.

cp h2_hopper_amd_1/* /groups/ESS3/'USER_NAME'/geoweaver/h2/ -f

Step 3: Export Data from the Database to a SQL File

Use the H2 database tool to export the data into a SQL script. This step ensures that the data is backed up in a portable format.

java -cp h2-2.2.224.jar -url jdbc:h2:/groups/ESS3/'USER_NAME'/geoweaver/gw -user geoweaver -script /groups/ESS3/'USER_NAME
'/geoweaver/temp_old_gw_db_2.sql -password 'USER_PASSWORD'

Note: Replace USER_NAME and USER_PASSWORD with your actual username and database password when running the command.

Step 4: Remove the Original Oversized Database Files

Delete the original database files to free up space.

rm h2_hopper_amd_1/*

Step 5: Import the SQL File into the New Database

Import the SQL file into a fresh database. The new database will be significantly smaller in size as it eliminates redundant data.

java -cp h2-2.2.224.jar -url jdbc:h2:~/h2_hopper_amd_1/gw -user geoweaver -script /groups/ESS3/'USER_NAME'/geoweaver/temp_old_gw_db_2.sql -password 'USER_PASSWORD'

Step 6: Restart Geoweaver

After the recovery process is complete, start Geoweaver to resume operations.

gw start


By following the steps above, you can efficiently recover and reduce the size of an oversized H2 database in Geoweaver.

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